At The Bottom of the Basket

Right now we are sitting in Gate 120 at LAX airport awaiting the boarding of our 11:40 pm flight to Melbourne (along with a group of 70+ students on a ski/snowboard tour). Today was a day filled with emotions. First, saying goodbye to Camden and Bailey (HI KIDS) for three weeks. We have never been away so long. Next, just getting over the anxiety of flying (thanks for the prayers). Over all the trip has been great. Only one hiccup; lost (and then found) baggage. Thankfully it was found or else I would have had to wear shorts for three weeks!
On the reflective side:
* It has been a true pleasure to sit in an International Airport and see people express their uniqueness. I have been captivated by the many different beautiful languages being spoken.
* We have meet: a mission group going to Kenya, a misson group going to Tijuana, Mexico, a 16 year old girl from Tenn. that just returned from a mission trip in Mexico. How incredible it is to see students get dirty for the Gospel of Jesus.
Sometimes the greatest surprises come in the most unexpected ways. While finishing the "hot breakfast" served by Alaska Airlines I found this little card (pictured above) at the bottom of the basket. What a way to finish a meal!
Off to the land of OZ...Blessings.
Aussie Word of the Day:
Shark Biscuit - Someone new to surfing.
PS. We will access to our email. Click
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